NIBUTANI-Attus (Bark Fiber Textiles)

A traditional product of the Saru River basin region since ancient times, Nibutani-attus fabric was used in trade with other regions during the Edo period.
Nibutani-attus fabric is still made today with the same tools that were used to make it over a hundred years ago.
Attus is the name of fabric made using thread from the bark fibers of the Manchurian elm and other trees, woven on a loom called an attus karape. The fabric has a unique texture. It is resistant to water, highly breathable, and exceptionally tough for a natural fiber.
How to make
Manchurian elm and Japanese linden bark are peeled off and processed before being separated into 2 mm-wide strands. These strands are tied together using weaver's knots before being stretched, twisted and finally woven on a loom.